Tagungsteilnahme und Gewinn eines PhD Scholarship: 2nd European BPM Round Table

Portraitfoto Fahsel

Jörn Fahsel nimmt am 15. Mai 2014 mit seinem Promotionsvorhaben am 2nd European BPM Round Table in Liechtenstein teil. Die Einreichung eines Kurzabstracts zum geplanten Promotionsvorhaben führte zum Gewinn eines PhD Scholarship in Höhe von 500 Euro.

Ziel des European BPM Round Table ist der Wissens‐ und Erfahrungsaustausch – sowie die Pflege persönlicher Kontakte – zwischen Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Wissenschaft auf europäischer Ebene.
Weitere Informationen finden sich auf der Webseite.


Trade publishers are facing major challenges of digitization: content must now be delivered across media. Reason is the differentiation of the media, which enable reception: tablets, smartphones and the mobile and stationary web. The implosion in the media landscape requires solutions to the production time of parallel electronic and printed products. This calls for variable IT supported processes mastering the change from the standardized way to individualized production. In this context, the research project reusable reference modeling in a domain of the Publishing Industry is located in: The aim of this research project is, the stress field of external variation in performance on the one hand and internal standardization of performance fees and processes on the other to analyze and identify potential for shaping and derive  recommendations for action. For the Print economy – for lack of a better term, which makes it possible to include both printed and digital media font, the anglicism Publishing Industry is elected. With regard to the research component of the reference modeling the conference provides opportunities for exchange of experiences in the field of construction techniques of reference models one hand and the cataloging of reference models on the other. The discussion of own approaches in the field: the holistic approach, the standardized and individual development of products, architecture for reference models (business process model to refactoring patterns) represents another concern.